October 2, 2008

Types of Vitamins

Filed under: Health Nutrition — admin @ 8:45 am

Vitamins, one of the most important nutrients needed by the body, can be broadly classified into two broad categories that is, water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. The name vitamin is acquired from “vital amines” as it was initially thought that these substances were all amines. Water-soluble vitamins (B vitamins and vitamin C) acquire flushed out from the body; thus there arises a need to consume these vitamins every day. On the contrary, fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins A, D, E, and K) get accumulate in the body’s fatty tissues.

Water-soluble vitamins cannot be amassed in the body, so you require getting them from food on a daily basis. They can be smashed by overcooking. Fat soluble vitamins should not be addicted in excess as they are stored in the body and an excess can outcome in side effects. Vitamins do not give energy (calories) directly, but they do help regulate energy-producing procedure. Vitamins have to reside in food because they are not contrived or formed by the body. There are distinctive kinds of vitamins and each vitamin play a unique part in helping health fitness. Here are list of various vitamin types:

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that means it can be melt in fat. Vitamin A is conceded through the body by fat. Vitamin A plays a key task in the immune system by helping defend from infections. It is as well acts as a powerful antioxidant to flush out free radicals and toxins from your body which recovers wrinkling and fine lines. Eggs, milk, apricots, carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes are valuable sources of vitamin A.

Vitamins B: Vitamin B is a list of various vitamins similar to B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. This group of vitamins is moreover concerned in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. Each part of your body requires oxygen to work appropriately, so these B vitamins have a really vital job. Rich sources of vitamin B include whole grains, for example wheat and oats, fish and seafood, leafy green vegetables, dairy products akin to milk and yogurt, beans and peas etc.

Vitamin C: This vitamin is essential for keeping body tissues, for instance gums and muscles in good shape. Vitamin C establish in citrus fruits like oranges, also aids in healing wounds. Foods rich in vitamin C, distant from citrus fruits are: tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage and strawberries etc. Vitamin C can be simply lost in foods when they are cooked or handled improperly.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D even lends a hand to an essential mineral – it helps your body soak up the amount of calcium it needs. Vitamin D is too recognized as the sunshine vitamin. This is because the body can produce vitamin D later than sunlight, or ultraviolet light, beats the skin. Foods valuable in vitamin D are: fish, egg yolk, milk and other dairy products etc.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is melt in fat. The vitamin may defend against heart disease and cancer. Its defensive role has been extensively studied. Good basis of vitamin E are: whole grains, for instance wheat and oats, leafy vegetables, egg yolks, nuts etc. Heating oils to high temperatures, for example in frying, can devastate vitamin E.

Vitamin K: Vitamin K makes quite a few proteins that help blood to clot when bleeding. It also builds other proteins for blood, bones, and kidneys. Some researches have exposed that topical vitamin K works well to decrease circles under the eye as well as bruises. A blend of vitamin A & K can be even more efficient for reducing dark circles.

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